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Friday, March 18, 2011

Screw Prom...

Let's jump to the good stuff - weddings!! I really am looking forward to that day. I won't have to worry about boys because I'll have a boyfriend, and I won't have to worry about college because I'll (hopefully) be done with it. Yes, my wedding is gonna so much fun to plan for. This whole post may seem like a joke, but I honestly cannot wait till the day. I mean, I'm not gonna get married like out of high school or anything, but it really is so fun to dream of.

My favorite wedding dresses (so far!) -

Whoops :)

Okayyy it's been over a month since my last post. I know that there are no excuses, but honestly, life's been getting hectic. Anyways, I'm on my last quarter till senior year. Where has the time gone? This time, next year, I'll be getting my college letters... Fuuuudge! Haha I really need to get my act together. I've already given up something for Lent, but I think that procrastination should also be on that list.

1) Get a bomb score on the SAT/ACT.
2) Survive my classes. Keep up with schoolwork.
3) Prom. I don't know what my goals are specifically...
4) Just have fun, go crazy, take pictures, and enjoy life as it is :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just look at J. Crew

Once again, J. Crew has nailed it. This spring collection is just too fabulous. Really, all that color makes my head spin (in a good way!). All of the looks are put perfectly together, from top to bottom. It's actually impossible to choose my favorite part of the collection - the sequins, patterns, colors, textures, makeup and hair, shoes? I JUST DON'T KNOW. Someone's gotta help me out here!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Heavenly Goodness

Jacket - AE, Striped top - J. Crew, Belt - J. Crew, Pants - Pacsun, Boots - Nordstrom

Oh boy... If that first picture didn't draw you in, I don't even know what to do. After the SAT, I went to this new(-ish) diner - Jack's. I've been there before for their super yummy hamburgers and shakes, but my dad ordered a chili dog and that just blew my mind. Coming from a household where I eat half a plate of broccoli every night, this chili dog was something to remember. I'm warning you, that dish is incredibly dangerous - almost too much to handle. If you ever head down to Jack's and order it, make sure you also get a strawberry milkshake (with not as much milk). That's one recipe for success. Anyways, I could go on and on about my chili dog, but I'll stop here. *sigh*

In this outfit, I've got my AE jean jacket. I had been looking around for a while now, so I was quite excited when I found this one. It's so versatile too! Versatility is definitely key to any wardrobe. I think it looks great with stripes too. Well, anything looks good with stripes actually.

Oh, would you look at the time! I've got a busy day tomorrow... ugh. Goodnight and happy weekend! <3

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Striped Leopard

So yesterday, I just took my SAT. Thank god that's over with. I can remain stress-free until I get my results back haha. Yay! Two weeks of a very calm Cait. But then, schools just warming up and getting more crazy with each day. So we'll see how long this peaceful state lasts.

Since I haven't had much time to photograph my outfits (plus there hasn't been many exciting ones), I decided to use Polyvore. It's actually a great way to keep up with my blog when I'm busy. So here we go... hope you like!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Out at Nightfall

Top - Vintage, Shorts - American Eagle, Shoes - Doc Marten's

Well hello! I really have to learn to take my pictures before the sun goes down. It gets dark way too fast. Anyways, this top is one of my favorites. It probably was one of my first vintage purchases. Because I love mixing styles, you can just imagine how easily I fell in love with this top. The pearls are a great match for the baseball tee, especially since the boyish/preppy combo just plain out rocks. Plus, those shorts are a favorite of mine. You can guarantee that you'll be seeing a lot of them in the future. And unfortunately, my Doc Marten's don't show up in the picture, but they're there alright! So... ehh? Any comments? Questions? Concerns? :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

The Turbanator.

Scarf- Vintage

YEAH. That's right. Watch out- cause it's the TURBANATOR. I've so badly wanted to try this trend, so recently I bought this square scarf. Then I went to the highly acclaimed Man Repeller ( for a step by step process on the turband (turban + headband). Ingenious right? Any comments?

By the way, my apologies for the lateness of this post. Unfortunately, school just begun, so I've been busy finishing up homework. It's back to the most minimal amount of sleep and the maximum amount of stress. Trust me, I would much rather be blogging. But anyways, I have a test tomorrow and it would be just great if I didn't fail that... so on that note, goodbye! Cross your fingers that I can get to bed early-ish tonight :)


P.S. Sorry for the terrible picture quality. Tell Apple to get better cameras for the iPhone.